Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Happy National Chocolate Milk Day!!!

With New York state being such a Dairy State, then we can't pass up a reason to celebrate today.

June is Dairy Month, but today is National Chocolate Milk Day. According to the National Day Calendar website, "across the country, folks enjoy a tall, frosty glass on National Chocolate Milk Day which is observed annually Sept. 27. "

The website continues: "Invented by Hans Sloane in the late 1680s, today chocolate milk can be purchased premixed or it can be made at home with either cocoa powder and a sweetener or with melted chocolate, chocolate syrup or chocolate milk mix.

"While Sloane was in Jamaica, he encountered a beverage the locals drank made with cocoa mixed with water. After trying it, he reported the flavor to be nauseating. After some experimentation, Sloane found a way to mix the cocoa with milk to make it more pleasant tasting. He brought the chocolate recipe back with him upon his return to England. Now people enjoy this delicious drink every day."

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